5. Site Assistance & Supervision
Our Engineers in the mining industry undergo annual police clearance certifications and medical fitness evaluations to access various sites. In addition, they must complete Basic Rope Access and Fall Arrest training to work at heights (WAH) and operate lifting and mobile crane facilities. Under the supervision of a certified WAH technician, our team can access problem areas for assessment and inspection.
To optimize our efficiency and provide clients with the most accurate findings, technology is a crucial part of our team’s skill set. With the use of innovative tools and techniques, we ensure that our time on-site is used to its fullest potential.
• Accelerometer assist in the baselining of dynamic structures and fault finding.
• Visual inspections with drone assistance cuts costs on scaffolding erection and lifeline set-up
• Non-destructive testing (NDT) provides insight into what cannot always be seen with the naked eye.
Features of this Service

Suitable to work certification of all inspectors.
Immediate site allocation based on the priority and/or severity of service needs.
Site-specific inductions assist in practical knowledge of site/plant layout and process requirements.